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Student Announcements

  • 8th grade girls- WHS Lady Cat Soccer will have an informational meeting Tuesday, April 8th, at 6:00pm in the new gym at WHS. All experience levels are invited to attend. Pizza and drinks will be provided.

  • Tuesday, March 25th is Club Day.​




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Dear Parents,


On behalf of Livingston Parish Public Schools, we are requesting you assist us in our efforts to maintain our schools open so we can continue to educate your children.  


If anyone in your family has symptoms of any illness, please keep all of your students home until everyone in the family is symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medicine.


If you have any questions or concerns, please call ELEC at (225) 686-4246.  Someone there will be happy to help answer your questions.


Again, please do not send any member of your family to any of our school campuses if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness.


Thanks for working with us to educate our students.




Querido Padres,

De parte de las escuelas de Livingston, estamos pidiendole que nos apoyen en nuestros efuerzos  a mantener nuestras escuelas abiertas para continuar a educar a sus hijos.


Si alguin en su familia tiene sintomas de enfermedad mantengan a toda su familia en casa hasta que esten libre de sintomas por 24 hors sin uso de medicina.


Si tiene preguntas or dudas, pro favor llame a ELEC a (225) 686-4246.  Alguin ahi estara preprado para ayudarle.


Otra vez,  por favor no mande a ningun miembro de su famiia a nuestras excuelas si muestran sintomas de emfermedad.


Gracias por trabajar con nosotros para educar a nuestros estudiantes.

13443 Burgess Ave.

Walker, Louisiana 70785

​Tel: 225-664-0243 

​Fax: 225-665-0512   â€‹

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The Livingston Parish School Board does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, national origin, disability or gender in its educational programs and activities (including employment and application for employment), and it is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of gender by Title IX (20 USC 168) and on the basis of disability by Section 504 (42 USC 794). The Title IX Coordinator is Stephen Parrill.

Livingston Parish Public Schools is committed to ensuring that all websites and web applications, both public-facing and for internal use, conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (W.C.A.G.) 2.0 Level AA. Any issues should be reported (, Assistant Superintendent, P.O. Box 1130, Livingston, LA 70754; Phone (225) 686-7044. The Special Education Director is Dr. Eric Penalber (; the LPPS 504 Coordinator is Monica Sullivan (, P.O. Box 1130 Livingston, LA 70754; Phone (225)686-4248.

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